Vegan Products

Here you will find my honest opinion on some mainstream food that happens to be vegan, and some vegan-specific foods that I come across.  Yes I will publish on 'fake' foods like vegan cheese, not-meats and soy based replacement foods.  Yes I will tell you exactly what I think of them.  I'm excited and terrified.  I'm putting my taste buds on the line here.

Garden Fresh Vegie Sausages

Yum diddly-umptious! These are the best veggie sausages of the lot.  They don't cook that well on the old BBQ, but in a non stick pan they come up a treat.  Sometimes I eat them as a snack with chili sauce in a bit of bread.

You can get these at some Coles and IGAs.  Around my local area, I find that Innaloo Coles has the best range of vegan / health foods. 


I am so relieved to now have a napoletana, risotto, lasagna, parmigiana and any other Italian dish that actually once again tastes like it should!  This Parmezano has changed my life.  I am clearly being a little bit dramatic, but in all seriousness, it has definitely changed my pasta. It smells and looks just like ground parmesan.  You don't even need to use very much.  I give it 5/5.

If you are in Perth, you can find Parmezano and many other vegan products at the Cruelty Free Shop, which is in Freo.  This shop is pretty tops.  The staff are really great and are so freakin' helpful for dread-locked hippies.  The girl who was there on my first visit was such a gem.  You can also get delivery for dirt cheap.